L.TEC Corporation
Feel to contact us. Tel +81-90-4452-7824  |  Email sun_inter@rc4.so-net.ne.jp



company profile

Trade Name of Company L. TEX Corporation
Address 1-21-12 Nanyodai, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo, 192-0371, Japan
Establishment March, 2001
President Hideki Konishi

L. Tex Corporation was established in March 2001 to design, develop and manufacture the scientific instruments. Since then, we have developed very unique instruments especially that were associated to fluid. The requirements of the customers have been varied these days and the instruments available from the market have not satisfied them. Especially, the major companies cannot customize them since the number of required instruments are not enough to cover the manufacturing cost. L.Tex can meet these various customers' requirements to customize the systems.

We will do our utmost to deliver the customized system as early as possible while we communicate with the customer well to determine specifications.


2001 L.TEX 8500 Nano Flow Delivery Syringe Pump
2002 L.TEX 8400 Series High Flow Rate & Pressure Plunger Pump
2003 L.TEX 8200/8800 Series High Pressure Reciprocating Pump
2004 High Pressure Syringe Pump
2005 L.TEX 8300 Series Micro Feeder
2007 Micro Volume Pressure Sensor
Large Volume High Pressure Syringe Pump
2008 L.TEX 8600 Series In-line Pump

key customers